
Skin undertones are crucial when selecting the perfect makeup, clothing, and even hair colors. While many are familiar with the typically warm, cool, and neutral undertones, there is less clarity when it comes to the purple-green veins undertone. This unique combination can leave individuals questioning which colors they should gravitate towards to enhance their natural beauty. In this article, we will delve into understanding the purple-green veins undertone and provide tips on how to identify and complement it.

What Are Undertones?

Before we discuss the specifics of the purple-green veins undertone, it's important to understand what an undertone is. Unlike the surface color of your skin, which can change with sun exposure or health conditions, undertones remain consistent. They are the colors that come through from beneath the skin's surface and can be categorized generally as warm, cool, or neutral.

Identifying Your Undertone

To determine your undertone, one of the most common methods is to look at the color of the veins on the inside of your wrist in natural light. If your veins appear blue or purple, you're likely to have a cool undertone. If they look green or olive, you have a warm undertone. If it's hard to discern and they appear to be a mix of both, or the color is not obvious, you may have a neutral undertone or the unique purple-green veins undertone.

Purple Green Veins Undertone Explained

Person examining wrist veins

by Trevor Brown (

Those with a purple-green veins undertone have a mix of warm and cool undertones. This can sometimes be confusing when trying to find the right colors to match your skin. You may find that certain cool or warm shades look off, while others may surprisingly complement your skin perfectly.

Choosing the Right Colors

When you have this mixed undertone, the best approach is to experiment with colors from both spectrums. For clothing, try rich purples, emerald greens, and deep blues to accentuate the cool tones. At the same time, earthy tones like warm greens, browns, and oranges can highlight the warmth in your skin.

In terms of makeup, you have the flexibility to play around with a wider range of colors. For foundation and concealer, you might need to mix different shades to achieve the perfect match for your unique undertone.

Tips for Purple Green Veins Undertone

  1. Foundation Matching: Always test the foundation on your jawline, not just your wrist or hand, to get the most accurate match. You may need to blend different shades to complement both the purple and green hues in your skin.
  2. Versatile Jewelry: With a mixed undertone, you can wear both gold and silver jewelry effectively. Silver can bring out the cool purples, while gold can enhance the warmer greens.
  3. Neutral Ground: When in doubt, opt for neutral colors that tend to work well with any undertone. These include shades of gray, taupe, and off-white.

Makeup palette for different undertones



Understanding your unique purple-green veins undertone is key to enhancing your natural features with the right colors. Remember that rules are not set in stone, and personal preference plays a significant role in choosing what works best for you. Whether it's in fashion or beauty, embracing your individuality and experimenting with different hues will help you discover the perfect palette for your purple-green veins undertone.